The power of 3D Digital Immersion



Integrated video in 3D classroms allows for connection with Spiritual Leaders and Mentors. Connect with your friends in the CCM Metaversity and learn the 4Gs (GOD GOALS GUIDANCE GUTS)


Single /multiplayer

Both Single and Multiplayer activities with 3D experiences just like the videogames you play today. Create your own personal avatar.


Career Exploration

See what is like to be on a Construction site or in a Server Room. Learn how to build a Gaming PC versus just playing on them.

CCM Programs

The 4Gs

The CCM 4Gs ( GOD GOALS GUIDANCE GUTS) will be covered in both the LIVE MBB and the CCM Metaversity which is an immersive platform for connecting with students, parents, mentors, and school administrators. There is also be CCM 4Gs Worldwide that is available 24/7 worldwide

SCAPS Points

All of the activites in both the LIVE and Metaverse programs are tracked and assigned SCAPS points. At the end of the school year the studesnt with the most points will have an all expenses paid trip to Camp Beachpoint in Allegan Michigan.

Africa Studies

The CCM Africa Studies program will provide students with information about Africa and their Heritage. The goal is to show the young men that their forefathers were Kings of Africa and to value the lives of others.

MBB Music Competition

CCM is sponsoring a Music competition with cash prizes to be launched at the next Man Boy Breakfast. You will use the online program BandLab to create tracks and upload them to Social Media Channels like Facebook to have friends and family vote on the tracks. The next competitions will be for Video and Art.